Thursday 28 August 2014

Lync Snom Phone Manager

Note: Also see my Lync Snom Configuration Manager Post for more Snom related fun.

In a previous blog post I released a tool for managing Polycom VVX phones that was well received by the Lync community. So I thought that it was only fitting that I go back to the drawing board and engineer a new tool for managing Snom phones. The tool's front end works in a very similar way to the VVX manager tool with some minor tweaks and differences, however, the backend has been completely overhauled to work with Snom devices (which turned out to be a lot of work). Rightio, let's skip the chit chat and get down to the brass tacks…

Lync Snom Phone Manager

Version 1.0:

  • The Lync Snom Manager has the ability to query the Lync Monitoring database (if you have one deployed) and find all the IP Addresses of Snom phones connected to your Lync server. It will then scan all the IP Addresses of Snom phones supplied by the Monitoring database using a fast multi-threaded discovery method to connect to and learn about all the Snom devices on the system.
  • If you do not have a Lync Monitoring Database you can simply type an IP Range (format: "" OR "" OR add multiple with comma separation ",") into the listbox and press the "Discover from IP Range" button. The tool will then scan the phones using a fast multi-threaded discovery method to see if they are at each IP address in the range.
  • If a Snom handset that is not logged in as a user is discovered, it will be added to the user list under the name “SnomNot@LoggedIn_<index number>”. This allows you to use the tool to access these devices even though they are not logged into Lync.
  • Find out information about Snom handsets connected to a Lync system (IP Address, the Lync server that the handset is registered to, user policies, PIN status).
  • Remotely reboot Snom handsets using the "Reboot" button. Reboot a selection of handsets by selecting (hold shift/ctrl) multiple users in the list, then press the ‘Reboot’ button. Or reboot all the Snom handsets on a Lync system with the “Reboot All” button.
  • Remotely set a Snom phone's configuration back to factory default settings by pressing the "Reset" button. To be safe. you will be warned before this function is actually completed.
  • Set the PIN for a user - either a random PIN (if the PIN field is left blank), or specify a PIN number by filling in the field. This can also be done on multiple selected users.
  • Lock and unlock the PIN for a selected user with the "Lock PIN" and "Unlock PIN" buttons. This can also be done for multiple selected users.
  • Easily connect to the Snom phone web interface of any user on the system by clicking the “Web Config” Button.
  • Test PIN and device bootstrapping by entering a PIN number for the selected user and pressing the "Test PIN" button.
  • Export your Snom phone deployment information. This outputs a CSV file that contains all the Users, IPs, Firmware Version, Serial Numbers, Lync Server, and MAC Address (if available) for all logged in phones. If you select the "More" checkbox you will also get the additional Lync settings for the phone (this is slower).
  • Import previously exported phone data. This allows you to import previously exported phone data, which can save you time “Pinging” IP address ranges looking for phones. The “Rescan” option will make the Snom Phone Manager tool connect to each device in the imported list and update its information. This is to help try and avoid importing stale data with incorrect IP Addresses in it. If you trust that your phone IP Addresses have not changed from when you previously exported the data, you can untick the “Rescan” option, and all settings will be imported directly from the file (much faster but less safe).
  • Variable for https connections to the Snom web interface. Change the variable $script:useHTTPS to be $true if you would like all web interface connections to use https instead of http. This will also require that you change the $script:WebPort variable to be "443" as well (or whatever port you set in the configuration file for https). These settings can also be added in a settings file if you don't want to edit the script.
  • Remotely view what is showing on the screen of the phone by pressing the “Show Screen” button. This will load another window that will show you what is on the screen of the phone, and will refresh approximately every second. This feature can be useful for remotely troubleshooting issues with users' phones. Example:

Version 1.01 Update:

  • Added support for common area phones. The Display Name is also shown as part of the User Information section in order to make Common Area Phone identification easier.
  • Added window resizing capability.

Download Version 1.01:

System Configuration Requirements

Lync Configuration

In order to use the Snom Phone Manager, you will need to make sure that the phones have some settings configured in them. Fortunately you can use my Snom Configuration manager Tool to push these settings to the phones (rather than individually configuring each phone, or using a separate config server). The following settings need to be configured in your Lync server Client Policy PolicyEntry settings:

Web Username:
Name: snom_http_user 
Value:  snommanager

Web Password:
Name: snom_http_pass  
Value: snommanager

Authentication Type – The tool uses Basic Authentication over HTTPS
Name: snom_http_scheme
Value: off

In order to get to get to many of the configuration settings in the phone you need to set the phone to Administrator Mode. This mode has its own password setting, and if it is not changed from the default setting of “0000” there will be a message displayed on the phone screen (Admin mode password not set). This password should also be set for security reasons:

Admin Mode Password:
Name: snom_admin_mode_password
Value: snommanager

Admin Mode Password Confirm:
Name: snom_admin_mode_password_confirm
Value: snommanager

Using Lync Configuration Manger to make these settings:

Script File Variables

There are two methods for changing these variables in the script file:

Method 1: Preserve Code Signing Method

The script file has been signed so it can be used on sites that have restrictive script execution policies in Powershell. This means though that if any element of the script is edited, the signing becomes invalid and you will not be able to run the script. So to get around this issue I have made the script be able to take variable input from an external file. :)

To an external settings file, simply create a file  (or edit the file I supplied in the zip file with the tool)  named "LyncSnomPhoneManagerSettings.cfg" in the same directory as your Snom Phone Manager script is in. The file must be in the following format:


When the script runs it will look for the settings file and parse it into the appropriate variables.

Method 2: The "Who cares about code signing" method

In the script file you will need to set the following settings to match whatever you have configured in your Snom phones:

#Edit these settings if you would like to use a custom username and password for your Snom devices.
$script:SnomHTTPUsername = "snommanager"
$script:SnomHTTPPassword = "snommanager"
$script:SnomAdminModePassword = "snommanager"

Monitoring Database Discovery Permissions

In order to discover phones from the Monitoring database (this is not required for the IP range discovery method), the user logged into the server will need to be a Domain Admin or have “Select” privileges granted on the LscCDR database's Registration table for a security group they are a member of (eg. CSAdministrator). For more details on how to grant these privileges, please refer to the manual process in my article about Group Call Pickup permissions here. Note: the database and table being edited in this case are different than the ones documented in the article, but the process is the same.

The Wrap Up

It’s as simple as that! So now you have a solution for managing your Snom phones' configuration via Lync Client Policy as well as a tool for accessing and managing individual endpoints. What more could you ask for?? Actually, don’t answer that… I’m sure there are plenty more things you would like… I’m working on it ;) 

Read more →

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