I have written quite a few Powershell tools for Skype
for Business and some of these might be tools that people want to use on a
regular basis across their Front End servers. People may want to deploy so that others
within the administrative team can also use them in a simple and centrally managed
way. So I thought I would write a blog post that explains a simple way to
centrally deploy scripts out to multiple servers so they are easily accessible
to yourself and other team members.
The method described below uses Active Directory Group
Policy to control the deployment Powershell scripts across a number of Skype
for Business Front End servers.
Step 1: Create
a central file share where you will be storing the script files that you would
like to have available on your Front End servers. In this case I created a
folder named Scripts where I placed a Powershell script.
Step 2: Share
the folder (Right Click on Folder->
Properties -> Sharing Tab -> Sharing…). In this case I have given
Read access to everyone.
Step 3: In
Active Directory Users and Computers create an OU for your Skype for Business
servers. In this case I have created an OU called SfBServers and have moved all of the Skype for Business Front Ends
Computer Objects to this OU.
Step 4: Open Active Directory Group Policy Management
(gpmc.msc) and Right Click the SfBServers
OU and “Create a GPO in this domain, and
Link it here…”.
Step 5: Give
the New GPO a name. In this case I have called the GPO “PowershellScripts”.
Step 7: Open Computer Configuration -> Preferences
-> Windows Settings, Right Click
Shortcuts and select New ->
Step 8: Fill in
the shortcut properties as described below.
Action: Update
Name: VVX
Target type: File
System Object
Location: All
Users Desktop
Target path: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
Arguments: -WindowStyle
Hidden -nologo -executionpolicy bypass -command "&
Icon file path: %SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll
Icon index: 24
Powershell Arguments
-WindowStyle: This argument is being used to supress the Powershell
window from being displayed when the script is run. I am using this
deliberately because the script I am using this for has its own Windows Forms
GUI that will be displayed and the Powershell window is not required. This will
give the script the feeling of being more like an application.
-NoLogo: Tells the Powershell window to not show the Copyright
banner - to make it that little bit quicker (or maybe not… but you never know…).
-ExecutionpPolicy: This is set to “bypass” in order to avoid the
Windows server execution policy defaults that may block the script from running
on the server.
-Command: Specifies the command text to execute as though it were
typed at the PowerShell command prompt. In this case we are selecting to open
the script file from the share that we created in Steps 1-2. You can also include any arguments for the script here if they are required.
For the Icon selection, when you click the ellipse you
will get an Icon picker with many icons to choose from. Choose the one
that makes most sense for the script you are using.
Step 9: Now on
the Front End server run “gpupdate /force” to get the new Group Policy pushed
down to the server:
You should now get a new shortcut on the Desktop of the
server that matches the one that you made in Group Policy. When you double
click it you will see a command window for a second (if you chose the Window
Style as Hidden like in this example) and then the Powershell GUI will be
It’s that easy! Now you can package your favourite
scripts and centrally manage the version used by all users across all your
The Wrap Up
I hope you found this post useful and that it allows you a better experience in using and managing your favourite Powershell scripts on your servers. Enjoy!